Category : Car Accidents

Car Accidents

Tampa Area Car Accidents Causes

Frank Fernandez
Tampa is a beautiful city with lots to offer both residents and visitors alike. Like any major city, Tampa has its share of vehicle traffic, so you always run the risk of getting into a serious car accident anywhere or anytime in the greater Tampa Bay region. Although understanding the causes of car accidents can empower you to take preventive measures and avoid becoming another statistic, there are some things beyond your control. Various factors...
Car Accidents

​Where Do Car Accidents Most Occur in Tampa?

Frank Fernandez
Traveling through Tampa by vehicle often involves traffic congestion and busy road. You will encounter a bottleneck when driving through or out of the area, and widespread car accidents. Whether out of carelessness, frustration, or anger, some drivers in Tampa may engage in negligence behind the wheel, causing injury or death to innocent victims in their path. Although Tampa traffic is a problem throughout the metropolitan area, there are certain hotspots that are not just...
Car Accidents

​Who Pays When You Sue in a Car Accident?

Frank Fernandez
Car accident lawsuits can often bring substantial compensation. However, unfortunately, people often fail to speak up and take legal action after suffering damages in an accident caused by someone else. It is one of the few situations in which those needing compensation fail to come forward and claim the money owed to them. One of the main reasons car accident victims do not take the time to speak with a car accident lawyer is that...
Car Accidents

​Who Is Liable: Car Owner or Driver?

Frank Fernandez
​Who Is Liable: Car Owner or Driver? After a car accident, the question of liability will not come into play unless the damages surpass the amount of personal injury protection (PIP) insurance of the injured party. When liability does become an issue, one common question arises: who is liable, the car owner or the driver? To many, it would seem that the driver would be the sole person liable for the accident, given that they...
Car Accidents

​Who Is At Fault in a Rear-End Accident?

Frank Fernandez
Imagine this: you are driving home from work, enjoying a sunny Florida day, and listening to your favorite podcast on your car stereo when WHAM! Out of nowhere, another driver hits you from behind, forcing your body violently forward and back, perhaps hitting the airbag or steering wheel. You have just been in a rear-ending accident. Although the general rule of thumb is that the driver who runs into the vehicle in front of them...
Car Accidents

How Much Should You Ask for in a Car Accident Settlement?

Frank Fernandez
After a car accident in Florida, most people worry about whether they will heal fully from their injuries and how they can afford the mounting medical bills. If the accident damaged your car, you may need to consider how to get to school, work, and other places. If you are working with a Florida car accident lawyer to file a claim for your losses, you have already made a big first step. Your car accident...
Car Accidents

Reasons Why Car Accidents Happen

Frank Fernandez
More than 20 million people suffer injuries in auto accidents every year. Whenever there is a car accident, people want to know why it happened. There is research analyzing all kinds of factors related to crashes. The statistics are overwhelming, and it is important to remember that they are more than numbers. They represent devastating personal and economic loss. Even though there have been many technological advances designed to improve vehicle safety, far too many...
Car AccidentsPersonal Injury

​Why Do I Need to Hire a Hit-and-Run Accident Attorney?

Frank Fernandez
Sustaining injuries and property damage in an automobile accident is hard enough, but when other parties flee the scene, it worsens things. After all, how will you get insurance compensation for the damage? How will you prove the accident wasn’t your fault? What will happen to your property? Will you be responsible for medical bills incurred because of the wreck? These questions may weigh on anyone’s mind after a hit-and-run accident. While hit-and-runs are never...
Car Accidents

​What Do Car Accident Lawyers Do?

Frank Fernandez
If you’ve recently been in an automobile collision, you may wonder if hiring a car accident attorney is necessary. You’ve likely seen advertisements for legal assistance in personal injury cases, particularly those involving car accidents. Before you seek legal help, it’s helpful to understand what car accident attorneys do and how they can assist you. Schedule A Free Consultation What Is a Car Accident Attorney? Car accident attorneys work within the field of personal injury...
Car Accidents

Who Is At Fault in A Car Accident T-Bone

Frank Fernandez
T-bone accidents, also called broadside collisions, involve the front end of one vehicle striking the side of another vehicle, or vice versa. These accidents have the name T-bone collision because after the accident occurs, the vehicles form the shape of a T. As technical as it sounds, T-bones present a very serious accident scenario that may have happened to you recently in Tampa, Florida. T-bone accidents can result in multiple fatalities, especially if the accident...