Category : Auto Accidents

Auto Accidents

What Do I Do After a Hit-and-Run Accident?

Frank Fernandez
One moment you are driving. Next, you are dealing with pain, disorientation, and panic from a hit-and-run accident. Knowing what to do after a hit-and-run accident won’t just help you take care of your health, and it can improve your chances of recovering sizable compensation. Each step you take after the crash is important, and the key to getting everything right is remaining calm and getting professional assistance. If you or your loved one have...
Auto Accidents

Sideswipe Collisions—More Dangerous Than You Might Think

Frank Fernandez
People are often surprised by the many types of car accidents that can occur. To many, a car accident is any collision between automobiles, but the truth is that the type of accident you are involved in can have far-reaching implications on your life. Sideswipe accidents are quite common on the road and can result in minor to fatal injuries of victims based on how and why the accident occurs. If you are a victim...
Auto Accidents

The Most Common Causes of Vehicle Collisions

Frank Fernandez
Every year, thousands of traffic accidents happen across the country. They are a leading cause of death in the United States and a significant source of hospital emergency room visits. Yet, even though these collisions happen for various reasons, most are often due to driver error. That is why the only way to help prevent these injury-causing and fatal vehicle accidents is to comprehend how they happen and what the leading causes of these accidents...
Auto Accidents

How Long Should You Expect To Be Sore After a Car Accident?

Frank Fernandez
Following an automobile crash, you might face devastating repercussions, including significant injuries, excruciating pain, and ongoing medical care you may rely on for the rest of your life. As post-accident soreness lingers, most people begin to worry. You may find yourself wondering whether you have suffered normal soreness or if you sustained more severe injuries than you initially thought, especially if that soreness does not seem to fade as more time passes. How Long Should You Expect...
Auto Accidents

How Long After a Car Accident Can You File an Injury Claim in Florida?

Frank Fernandez
All states have laws, referred to as statutes of limitations, which govern the length of time a plaintiff has to bring a lawsuit against another party that causes them harm. Under Florida law, most car accident victims have four years from their date of injury to file an injury claim. Family members who have lost a loved one in a Florida car accident and want to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the driver or...
Auto Accidents

Road Rage Leads to Serious Traffic Accidents

Frank Fernandez
We have all witnessed road rage at some point during our lives, and many of us have displayed road rage at some point, even if mild. Some forms of road rage fall under the umbrella of rude behavior and do not lead to dangerous accidents, injuries, or fatalities. However, road rage can and does go too far. Aggressive and careless drivers who are impatient and rude make choices behind the wheel that put others on...
Auto Accidents

How Much Is a Car Accident Claim Worth?

Frank Fernandez
More than 6.7 million car accidents take place on U.S. roadways each year, and nearly two million of those accidents result in injuries. Private insurance carriers pay roughly half of the cost of car accidents with injuries through the liability policies of their insureds. How much is a claim after a car accident worth? The answer to that question is that it depends on many factors, as discussed below. If you were injured in a...
Auto Accidents

All About Florida Drunk Driving Accidents

Frank Fernandez
Drivers learn about the dangers of drunk driving early in their lives. Yet, many still choose to get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. Fortunately, drunk driving accidents have decreased over the last several decades. However, drunk driving accidents still occur far too often. The long-term impact of drunk driving accident injuries includes emotional trauma and financial stress on top of the physical pain of injury and healing. For some, a drunk driving accident translates...
Auto Accidents

What to Do After a Car Accident?

Frank Fernandez
You might not know what steps to take after a car accident. However, what you say and do after an accident can affect the outcome of your personal injury claim. There are some steps you can take to protect yourself and your rights after a car accident. If you find yourself injured in a car accident, this guide of essentials can get you through the difficult period of an accident and its aftermath. Follow this...
Auto Accidents

How Much to Expect From Car Accident Settlements

Frank Fernandez
First thing first, an attorney cannot tell you exactly how much money to expect from your car accident settlement. Settlement values vary wildly and they depend on many factors. Some cases are worth thousands of dollars, some are worth millions. Costs pile up quickly after a car accident. It is normal for car accident survivors to have questions about their case’s value. One of the best ways to help ensure you receive fair compensation is...